Friday, June 12, 2009

A new way to keep in touch

Although we are in the middle of June and the Learning Center is populated by many students, we realize that before we know it, the winter will come and students will be leaving to go other places. We don't like to lose contact with our students during this period of time but we also realize how difficult it is for them to keep contact with us.

So we created this blog. It is a means of keeping in touch during the times when we cannot see each other or hang out. It is also a great way to practice English! We hope that students will use the blog and keep us updated with what is going on in their lives.

Aunque es el junio y hay muchos estudiantes en el Centro de Aprendizaje, sabemos que será el invierno pronto y los estudiantes se irán a otros lugares. No queremos perder contacto con nuestros estudiantes cuando se vayan pero sabemos que es muy difícil para ellos mantener contacto con nosotros.

Entonces, creamos este blog -- para que podamos mantener contacto con los estudiantes. ¡También ellos pueden practicar el inglés! Esperamos que los estudiantes lo utilizen y nos digan lo que pasa en sus vidas.